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“Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C8, C10, C14, C16,C18,C20,C20 and C24

IEC60320 gauge
IEC60320 gauge


J&Y Sourcing offers a wide range of gauge to meet the most common standards including those from IEC, EN, UL, GB,DIN,VDE and others. Such standards require the checking of size & definition etc. these gauges are constructed from senior stainless steel and appropriate steel with a hardness of at least 60 HRC and a roughness according to standard require. Each gauge is supplied with a certificate of calibration.


Conforms To:




Product Model Standard            Product Name
SC-G5F01 IEC60320-1-Figure 2 “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C1
SC-G5F02 IEC60320-1- Figure4 “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C5
SC-G5F03 IEC60320-1- Figure5 “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C7
SC-G5F04 IEC60320-1- Figure5A “Go” gauge for side-entry connectors to standard sheet C7
SC-G5F05 IEC60320-1- Figure6 “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C1
SC-G5F06 IEC60320-1- Figure7 “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C1,C5 and C7
SC-G5F07 IEC60320-1- Figure8 “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C1 and C7
SC-G5F08 IEC60320-1- Figure9 “Not Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C8,C8A and C8B
SC-G5F09 IEC60320-1- Figure9A “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C9
SC-G5F10 IEC60320-1- Figure9B “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C9
SC-G5F11 IEC60320-1- Figure9C “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C10
SC-G5F12 IEC60320-1- Figure9F “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C13
SC-G5F13 IEC60320-1- Figure9G “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C13 and C17
SC-G5F14 IEC60320-1- Figure 9H “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheets C14, C16 AND C18
SC-G5F15 IEC60320-1- Figure 9J “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C15
SC-G5F16 IEC60320-1- Figure 9K “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C17
SC-G5F17 IEC60320-1- Figure 9L “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C19
SC-G5F18 IEC60320-1- Figure 9M “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C20 and C24
SC-G5F19 IEC60320-1- Figure 9N “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C21
SC-G5F20 IEC60320-1- Figure 9P “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C22
SC-G5F21 IEC60320-1- Figure 9Q “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C23
SC-G5F22 IEC60320-1- Figure 9R “Not Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C13,C15 and C17
SC-G5F23 IEC60320-1- Figure 9S “Go” gauge for connectors to standard sheet C15A
SC-G5F24 IEC60320-1- Figure 9T “Go” gauge for appliance inlets to standard sheet C16A
SC-G5F25 IEC60320-1- Figure 22 Blades for checking the resisitance against deformation of the front part of the connector to standard sheet C7
SC-G5F26 IEC60320-1- Figure 27 Gauges for checking the distance form the engagement face of connectors to the point of first contact
SC-G5F27 IEC60320-2-2 Figure 101 “Go” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet F (see 8.1)
SC-G5F28 IEC60320-2-2 Figure 103 “Go” gauge for appliance outlets to standard sheet J (see 8.1)
IEC60320 gauge
IEC60320 gauge